20 Best Ways To Say “Exams Are Going On”

When you’re in the midst of a demanding examination period, it’s common to be approached by various people, whether they are friends, family members, or colleagues, who inquire about your availability or wonder why you may not be as accessible as usual.

In these situations, it can be beneficial to have a range of ways to politely convey that you are currently occupied with exams.

This article will present you with 20 exceptional and tactful responses to let others know that “exams are going on.”

Each response will come with examples and context to ensure that you can effectively communicate your situation to different people and in various situations.

1. “I’m in the midst of a rigorous examination period.”

Context: This response is appropriate for formal settings or when speaking to superiors, colleagues, or acquaintances who may require a more detailed explanation.


  • When talking to your boss: “I apologize for any inconvenience, but I’m currently in the midst of a rigorous examination period, so my availability may be limited for the next few weeks.”
  • During a formal event: “Thank you for the invitation, but I regretfully cannot attend as I am in the midst of a rigorous examination period that demands my full attention.”

2. “I’m fully immersed in my studies at the moment.”

Context: Use this response when you want to emphasize your commitment to your studies without going into too much detail.


  • When a friend asks you to hang out: “I appreciate the invitation, but I’m fully immersed in my studies at the moment. Let’s plan something after my exams.”
  • Explaining to a family member: “I wish I could help, but I’m currently fully immersed in my studies, so my schedule is quite tight.”
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3. “I’m knee-deep in exam preparations.”

Context: Employ this phrase to convey that you are deeply engaged in your exam preparations, and it requires your utmost focus.


  • To a classmate asking for social plans: “I’d love to, but I’m knee-deep in exam preparations right now. Can we catch up after exams?”
  • When asked about your weekend plans: “I won’t be available this weekend; I’m knee-deep in exam preparations.”

4. “I’m in the middle of a demanding exam period.”

Context: Use this response when speaking to friends or acquaintances who are aware of your academic commitments.


  • Informing a classmate: “I won’t be able to work on the group project this week since I’m in the middle of a demanding exam period.”
  • When a friend asks about your availability: “I can’t make it to the party this Friday; I’m in the middle of a demanding exam period.”

5. “I’m currently preoccupied with exams.”

Context: A straightforward way to inform others that you are occupied with exams, suitable for most casual conversations.


  • Explaining to a family member: “I won’t be able to help with household chores this week; I’m currently preoccupied with exams.”
  • When a colleague asks for assistance with a project: “I’d love to assist, but I’m currently preoccupied with exams. Maybe next month?”

6. “My focus is on my upcoming exams.”

Context: Use this phrase when you want to convey your dedication to your exams without getting into specifics.


  • Declining a social invitation: “I appreciate the offer, but my focus is on my upcoming exams, so I’ll have to pass.”
  • When asked about your weekend plans: “I won’t be available this weekend; my focus is on my upcoming exams.”

7. “I’m deep in the books right now.”

Context: Employ this informal expression to indicate that you are deeply engrossed in your study materials.


  • When a friend suggests going out: “I wish I could, but I’m deep in the books right now. Let’s catch up when my exams are over.”
  • Informing a family member: “I can’t run errands today; I’m deep in the books right now.”

8. “I’m swamped with exam preparations.”

Context: Use this phrase to convey a sense of being overwhelmed by the demands of your exam preparations.


  • To a friend suggesting a weekend getaway: “I’d love to, but I’m absolutely swamped with exam preparations. Can we plan something for next month?”
  • When asked for a favor: “I’m sorry, I can’t help right now; I’m swamped with exam preparations.”
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9. “I’m fully dedicated to my studies at the moment.”

Context: This response emphasizes your complete commitment to your academic pursuits.


  • When invited to a social event: “I appreciate the invitation, but I’m fully dedicated to my studies at the moment. Let’s catch up after my exams.”
  • Explaining to a roommate: “I might be a bit quieter this week; I’m fully dedicated to my studies at the moment.”

10. “I’m in the midst of a challenging exam season.”

Context: Use this phrase to convey that you are currently facing a particularly demanding period of exams.


  • To a friend who wants to meet for coffee: “I’d love to, but I’m in the midst of a challenging exam season right now. How about next week?”
  • Informing a family member: “I won’t be able to attend the family gathering this weekend; I’m in the midst of a challenging exam season.”

11. “I’m devoting all my time to exams.”

Context: Use this response to emphasize that your primary focus is on your exams.


  • When a colleague asks for your assistance on a project: “I wish I could help, but I’m devoting all my time to exams at the moment. Perhaps you can ask someone else on the team?”
  • Declining a friend’s invitation: “I’m sorry, but I’m devoting all my time to exams right now. Let’s plan something fun for after.”

12. “I’m currently absorbed in my exam preparations.”

Context: Use this phrase when you want to convey that you are deeply engrossed in studying and may not be available for social activities.


  • When a friend suggests going shopping: “I appreciate the offer, but I’m currently absorbed in my exam preparations. Let’s go shopping together when I’m done.”
  • Informing a roommate: “I might be spending more time in my room this week; I’m currently absorbed in my exam preparations.”

13. “I’m knee-deep in exam mode right now.”

Context: Employ this phrase to indicate that you are in a focused, exam-oriented mindset.


  • To a family member asking for help: “I’d love to assist, but I’m knee-deep in exam mode right now. Can you wait until I’m finished?”
  • When a friend invites you to a movie: “I’m knee-deep in exam mode right now, so I’ll have to decline. Let’s plan a movie night after my exams.”

14. “My priority is acing my exams.”

Context: This response emphasizes that your primary goal is to excel in your exams.

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  • When a friend asks for a favor: “I’d like to help, but my priority is acing my exams at the moment. Can you ask someone else?”
  • Declining a family gathering: “I won’t be able to make it this weekend; my priority is acing my exams.”

15. “I’m in the midst of intensive exam preparations.”

Context: Use this phrase when you want to convey the depth and intensity of your exam preparations.


  • To a friend suggesting a day trip: “I appreciate the invitation, but I’m in the midst of intensive exam preparations. Let’s plan a day out when I’m free.”
  • When asked to participate in a social event: “I’m in the midst of intensive exam preparations, so I’ll have to decline this time. Next time, for sure!”

16. “I’m fully engaged in my exam studies.”

Context: Employ this phrase when you want to express that your complete focus is on your study materials.


  • When a colleague asks for your input on a project: “I’d love to help, but I’m fully engaged in my exam studies right now. Can we discuss this after my exams?”
  • Declining a friend’s invitation: “I’m fully engaged in my exam studies, so I won’t be able to make it. Let’s plan something when I’m free.”

17. “I’m currently in the midst of exam season.”

Context: Use this response to indicate that you are navigating a period where multiple exams are taking place.


  • To a friend suggesting a night out: “I’d love to, but I’m currently in the midst of exam season. Let’s make plans for after all my exams are over.”
  • Informing a family member: “I won’t be able to attend the family gathering this week; I’m currently in the midst of exam season.”

18. “I’m dedicated to excelling in my exams.”

Context: This response underscores your commitment to achieving high marks in your exams.


  • When asked to help with a project: “I appreciate the offer, but I’m dedicated to excelling in my exams right now. Can someone else assist you?”
  • Declining a friend’s invitation: “I’m sorry, but I’m dedicated to excelling in my exams at the moment. Let’s plan something enjoyable once I’m finished.”

19. “I’m fully focused on my exam preparations.”

Context: Use this phrase to convey that your attention is entirely directed towards preparing for your exams.


  • When a friend suggests a weekend getaway: “I’d love to, but I’m fully focused on my exam preparations right now. Let’s plan a getaway after my exams.”
  • Informing a roommate: “I might be spending more time at the library this week; I’m fully focused on my exam preparations.”

20. “I’m currently in the midst of my exam period.”

Context: Employ this response to let others know that you are in the middle of your official exam period.


  • To a friend asking for help moving: “I wish I could, but I’m currently in the midst of my exam period. Can I help you once my exams are over?”
  • When a family member invites you to a gathering: “I won’t be able to attend this weekend; I’m currently in the midst of my exam period.”

In conclusion, effectively communicating that you are occupied with exams is essential to managing your commitments and responsibilities during this crucial period.

These 20 articulate responses provide you with a range of options to convey your situation with clarity and politeness, whether you’re speaking to friends, family members, colleagues, or acquaintances.

Tailoring your response to the specific context and audience will help you strike the right balance between your academic responsibilities and social interactions.